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11th Doctors TARDIS - 2014

As you can see, this TARDIS set has been redesigned since its last appearance at te London Toy fair, last year.  Not only does it have a rounder more accurate shape, but is also more spacious and a lot more screen-accurate than the previous 11th Doctors TARDIS in 2011.

From both of the Images, Old and new versions of the new TARDIS, you can probably see that there is good and bad about each of the sets.


To start with, the 2013 version was a lot more screen-accurate in terms of colour.  Not only was there less blue, but there was also printed brick slabs, that a much better representation of the patterns in the TARDIS.  Although this wouldn't allow much buildability, I believe it still could have been incorperated into the 2014 (final) version some way.


Another thing that I think could be improved is the sticker quality in both sets.  The stickers on the top circles are not individual, and are just 1 type of sticker.  Although this isn't a major problem, the stichers on the side panels are the same type, which may influence some buyers to add their own stickers and pieces to customize it.  Although the door has the same issue, it looks like the pieces can be re-arranged to avoid this.

This set was shown off at the London Toy Fair (2014), and is planned to include 2 minifigures.  This number, however, may go down, as the set is designed for one minifigure.  I would estimate the set to be around £20, and arrive in stores by summer.  As you may have noticed, the blue/purple round things are new pieces that could become useful.

Sontaran Battle Pod - 2014

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